Friday, March 7, 2008

Fun Learning :D

Learning Computer and Practical Arts is never an easy thing.

In the past 3 Quarters the main focus are all about Computer. During the first quarter I was on leave for some important reasons. :)

The lesson in the 1st Quarter was HTML. For me HTML is at first simple then it becomes complicated. Its quite sad that I wasn't there that time. I have already encountered HTML till present, I have a enough knowledge about it so its not that GREAT lost. HTML makes our sites and other afiliations to be presentable and attractive.

For the 2nd Quarter the lesson was making Flowcharts in preparation for the 2rd Quarter lessons. Flowchart are there to guide us in everything we want to do. It's like a plan or "blue print" for you to make your work clearer and organized. Its just the first step in learning how to make different flowcharts for different problems.

In the 3rd Quarter it was the time that we put the flowchart on Hands On Activities. The main focus was Dev C++. It's where we create a program. It was so fun and wnjoying learning about it. Considering the facts that we have learned it can be use in everyday lifestyles. Dev C++ is hard when you go deeper to programming but surely we'll have a great benefit from it.

Today it is nearly the end of 4th Quarter/school year. We focused on two areas the BLOG and the PRACTICAL ARTS. The world of blog/blogging is not new to me for it's been a long time I'm doing it. It's fun posting your evryday or different things that happened to you. On the other hand Practical Arts-- we made butterflies,Picture frames and Artificial Orchids. I had so much fun learning those things. Those things that we made can be a good idea for business in the mere future. :))

Having learned all of these things,I've got so much benefit. All these things will help me build a brighter future.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

x- Artificial Orchids -x

Orchids..Orchids..Orchids How lovely are they. :)

The part of the orchid that I felt difficult to make are the petals. It really made my hands tired. Almost the whole orchid.

I learned that making an orchid is no joke. It recquires you to be patient and you should have the effort to make it.

These Artificial Orchid are made of quality materials. It is very useful in may ways. One of it is you can put it in the vases. Its general use is for decorating. I assure you that it will even beautify your houses (*ehem). So for any inquiries just leave a comment. And I'll get back to you soon.

Artificial Butterflies :D

Big Butterfly

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Small Butterfly

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I have learned that making artificial butterflies is very hard. in making it you need to put a lot of effort and patience. All I thought it was a bit easy but when you're doing it already it's really hard.

The significance of the Artificial Butterflies are: a.) Home Decorations b.) We can sell it and earn money c.) Give aways for birthday oarties and wedding.

These Artificial Butterflies is made by me..with full effort. It's up to you to judge it. These Artificial Butterflies by simple and unique materials. You may use these Artificial Butterlies as decors for your home and many others. These butterflies are for sale--if you want to. Just leave a comment if you want (monkey business) haha.. kiddin'

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Walk To Remember :)

Directed by: Adam Shankman
written by: Nicholas Sparks

My favorite movie probably is "A Walk To Remember".
The leading actors and actresess are Mandy Moore and Shane West.

To start off, Landon Carter (Shane West) is the popular guy at school. He drinks, swears and nearly kills a fellow student when he and his friends play a prank on him. As punishment, his principal tells Landon that he must help the janitorial staff after school, tutor underprivileged kids at another school and participate in the school's yearly play. Landon immediately finds the roles have been switched during all of these activities. He meets Jamie Sullivan (Mandy Moore), a Bible hugging minister's daughter. He and his friends had always made fun of her because of how good she was. But, he gets to know her better as she helps him with the school play. Unexpectedly, Landon finds himself falling in love.

I chose this movie because it has a bitter sweet ending. Also liked the movie because of the good atmosphere and plotting of the story. The part of the story that struck me most was when Jamie(Mandy Moore) told to Shane West(Landon Carter) that she has a terminal leukemia and has stopped responding to treatments. It struck me in a way that--when they finally fell in love with each other there is a hindrance. It's hurtful.

I have learned that when you have a loved one and he or she has a problem you should help him or her. We shouldn't mind on the sad part. Problems and hindrances can be solve. In the case of Jamie she needs the help emotionally. Above all problems are there to challenge us to how we can surpass it.

My favorite line in the movie was: Love is like the wind. You can't see it but you can feel it.

Some of us can somehow relate with it.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

ADZU HS Family Day '08

Students are so busy with there school works and with their peers. The High School Community then have a celebration called the Family Day.

ADZU HS Family Day '08 was held last February 24, 2008 at ADZU Tumaga with the theme "Families Celebrate a Tradition of Companionship". The celebration started with a motorcade at the ADZU Main Campus wherein each year level has designated places where to stay. Athough it rained but the celebration must go on.

Upon arriving at the ADZU Tumaga Campus, the people in charge are preparing for the mass that was administrated by Fr. Antonio Moreno. After the mass they also made arrangements for the programme. The programme was started by an invoaction followed by the Pambansang Awit and the Welcome Remarks of the President of the HS PTA Board. Then Games 1 and 2 care of Mr. Pelayo..if I'm not istaken the game was 'Tag of War" participated by each year level.

After the games the President of Ateneo De Zamboanga University- Fr.Antonio Moreno SJ gave a message. Then after that there was an intermission number by the Purple Queue and Kreiolas. The crowd really enjoy that performance. After that Games 3 and 4 still care of Sir Pelayo then intermission number by a band. After the performance of the band Miss Rosie M. Hong-High School Principal. Game 5 was the 'palayok' that must be hitten with the shortest time.

Then the awarding of Prizes followed then an intermission number by the band Pentatonic Express.

Above all the Family Day '08 was beautiful and enjoying. We can see the happy faces from each of the family because they really enjoy the time they have spent together. The celebration ended with fireworks display.